Xinyu company offer excellent solution for ship pump fastening
Our customer are professional distributor for Marine parts. They need a V band clamp to fasten their pump.

They find a supplier and received samples of clamps,but they are not satisfied with their quality. The welding is poor,the clamps can’t fasten their pump well. So they turn to us and ask us to offer solution.
But their ship is on the sea,they can’t offer samples of qualifed clamps.Luckily,they have pump in hand now,so they send their sample pieces to us.

Xinyu company have profesional mould workshop and engineer.We make mould according to their pump and make samples. They received our samples of V band clamps and ask their lab to test quality. Our clamps passed their test. They are pleased with our quality and place orders to us.

Now our V band clamps are also working on the sea.